На английском [Roland Frasier] EPIC Business Buying Blueprint (2021)

Автор: Roland Frasier
Название: EPIC Business Buying Blueprint (2021)


After 35 years of buying, scaling, and selling businesses, 5X owner of Inc. fastest growing companies releases…

The step-by-step road map for entrepreneurs looking to use M & A for growth, profit, and scale.

Let’s Face It… Buying A Business Is Intimidating.

What would you say to the owner?
How would you even find them in the first place?
What would your offer be if they were interested?
And maybe the scariest… what if they said yes!?
It’s okay. Don’t feel bad. You are right!

Recently, the Harvard business review, did a study that puts the failure rate of mergers and acquisitions somewhere between 70% and 90%

AND…According to the Small Business Administration, 75% of all venture capital acquisitions fail. Yup, you read that right – 3 out of 4 VC deals die.

That means, in this business, even the smartest investors with limitless capital and the best data money can buy are only successful 1 in 4 times.

If that’s true, what hope do we have?! (More on that in a moment…)

But it’s no surprise.

I mean between the lack of structured training, effective education, and real world negotiation skills, how could any feel like we have the confidence to successfully acquire a business?

Yet, if you understand that RIGHT NOW will go down as the greatest time in the modern era to acquire a business…

With the economy in turmoil, joblessness claims at record highs, and the uncertainty mounting every day…

How do we NOT go after the fastest, most secure, and most profitable way of growing our wealth and income.

As a business buyer, in this economy, you are in a position to help thousands of business owners who may want to shut down, retire or start another business.

Even before the pandemic, business acquisitions have been and will be the fastest path to generational wealth.

So the problem is clear for investors & entrepreneurs right now…

How do we take advantage of this opportunity and CONFIDENTLY buy businesses at will…

without the liability
without personal financial risk and
without the absurd rate of failure.

We Built the Blueprint…

Good news is there IS something you can do to take the guess work out of the process…

Acquiring a business is a safe, reliable, and predictable path to grow your income, wealth, and freedom.

After 30 years of acquiring businesses across 24 different industries, I’ve distilled down the foundational elements that lead to my success time and time again in all my strategic acquisitions while nearly eliminating the downside.

I’ve developed the methodology in this program after working with entrepreneurs for years in high ticket mastermind settings, group trainings, and exclusive one-on-one consulting.

That formula has now become the “The Business Buying Blueprint”…

If you’re wondering if this is all worth your time and attention…let me give a little background

To keep it brief, here are the broad strokes…

I’m Roland Frasier…

I’m a ‘recovering attorney’ and serial entrepreneur…

After giving up the ‘time for money addiction’ years ago, I am currently a co-founder/principal of 5 different Inc. Magazine’s fastest growing companies in the e-commerce, e-learning, real estate and SaaS spaces.

I’ve been acquiring business and their assets for about 35 years in about 2 dozen different industries.

In that time, I’ve bought businesses ranging from $10M to $4B…almost all with little or no money out of my pocket. (I’ll walk you through some of those deals.)

